Cafe Tacvba released their new album “El Objeto antes llamado disco” This band is my favorite of all bands and I’ve been waiting for this album for a long time. I like their approach as to how they recorded this album. They went through different countries and recorded each song with members of the media and fans in the room as they recorded these songs. I expected something of a live essence to be in the album, but it isn’t. I also had higher expectation for the album, for some reason I thought this album would be a lot better, their previous album “SiNo” didn’t impress me, it was a good album, but not a great album.
Expectations aside, “El Objeto Antes Llamado Disco” is a solid presentation by the quartet. The opening song “Pajaros” Is a good song to open the album with, I believe in this song you hear Meme (Emmanuel del Real) and Ruben Albarran singing in high voices bringing a happy atmosphere to the song. It definitely put me in a good. The last line of the song “Mis manos quieriendo rezar, mis ojos queriendo llorar, mis labios queriendo reir, escucho la tierra vivir” (My hands want to pray, my eyes wanting to cry, my lips wanting to laugh, I hear the earth living)
“Olita del Altamar” Is probably a new song which people can jump around to, at CafĂ© Tacvba shows. It is not as traditional as what we’re used to with the band, but it will definitely get the crowd going. This song will probably be better live than what we’re hearing in the album.
One surprising song in the album is “Aprovechate” It opens up with a good guitar hook, and then is followed with a very solid bassline. It’s very 80’s and it has a good dancey element to it. Definitely another song I’d like to hear on their live sets.
Another dancing song that will get the crowd going will be “Tan Mal”It has a very subtle electronic drumming then when the bridge hits the song goes into a more energetic sound with Ruben belting out vocals as we are used to him doing. I was surprised they didn’t end the album with this song, but instead they finish the album with a very atmospheric song called “Volcan” I was actually glad they closed the album with this song, since it’s a contrast to the beginning; and in a good album I think you need a good beginning a good middle and a good end, and I do think this album has all of those components and you will enjoy it specially if you’re a fan of the band.